23 July 2021

A Compilation of My Ten Grooviest Most Far Out Posts on the Sixties -- Right On!

Among my obsessions is the 1960s, which in addition to being during the formative years of my life, were transformative to Western culture and U.S.politics. Through its music alone the Sixties had an impact on the country still very much felt today, over fifty years on. Of even greater importance were the social movements spawned by that decade. The roots of which can be found in the Civil Rights Movement. Direct action campaigns centered around Vietnam War and the attendant anti-draft protests that spread across the country and in many cases drew tens of thousands of marchers. Also spawned were the women’s movement and gay liberation. The Sixties saw a loosening of censorship rules, particularly in films, which led to the greatest decade of film making, the Seventies. I've written a lot about the Sixties over the past thirteen years and I believe are my top ten.

Your Guide to the Best Protest Spirit of the Sixties Songs  July 16, 2021. From last week, my look at the songs that best captured the rebellious, let's-question-authority spirit of the Sixties.

The Battle for People's Park, an Only Slightly Fictionalized Account June 15, 2021. Last month’s excerpt from the novel I’m currently working on. While it is fiction I believe it gives a good historical perspective on the People’s Park demonstrations. It’s based on my personal experiences and research I've done for my book.

Presenting: Vibes 'N' Stuff -- 52 Years After I Found it, Someone's Lost Jottings June 11, 2021. The verbatim transcription of notebook I found in 1969. It is the mental meanderings of someone visiting the Bay Area for the first time. It is revealing about the time period and well-written.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Other Excellent Films that Evoke the Sixties August 8, 2019. Few films have captured a time and place as well as Once did with 1969. It inspired me to look at other films that give a glimpse into the sixties.

One, Two, Three What Are We Fighting For? Don't Ask Me I Don't Give a Damn, Next Stop is Vietnam....September 30, 2017. The seminal experience for many in the Sixties was either being in, protesting against, or arguing about the war in Vietnam. Everyone had an opinion and they were usually strong ones. This post was inspired by the great Ken Burn’s PBS documentary series on the war.

The Vietnam War All Up in My Head February 10, 2016. This earlier post on the war gives an overview and relates to specific films and books on the war.

A Friday Night Gathering in Berkeley, 1968 June 11, 2015. This is a fictional piece I wrote that is based on my own memories of the Sixties and the type of people one might meet then.

The Author Contrasts High School Today With That of His Youth and Includes a Long Digression on Hippies May 26, 2015. Here I contrast high school in the Sixties with today but also have a long digression on those avatars of the Sixties, the hippies.

Trying to Live Up to My Remembrances of the Past, The Sixties Redux October 21, 2012. This is a short overview of the Sixties and what it meant to grow up then.

Experience the Sixties Through Contemporary Music, Films and Novels -- Power to the People! July 9, 2010. This was an early attempt. Movies, songs and books of the Sixties are listed. A lot of good photos too.

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