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Citizen Kane |
Citizen KaneI am a retired grandmother who has seen multitudes of old movies, especially black and white, which are my favorites, and who has been hearing about Citizen Kane for many years, but, because I do not particularly care for Orson Welles other than in Rebecca, I never watched it until now. I found it completely and utterly boring! After 10 minutes ... 20 minutes ... and then one hour, I kept wondering 'when does it get spectacular as raved by all'? It NEVER DID. The story jumped around, the dialogue was not profound, NOTHING in this movie is memorable other than how boring and what a hyped-up waste of time. I can usually find something about all old movies that teaches me, grabs me, or that I find depth in its dialogue to regard to my experiences in life, but not this movie. The character accomplished zero, there really was no story line or anything profound whatsoever. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and pass for another sixty-some years…Note: Orson Welles was not in Rebecca. Is Grandma confusing Welles with Laurence Olivier?
The Seventh Seal
Haha, the make-up for the grim reaper is so bad. He's litteraly just a bald guy in a bath robe, like, oooh I'm so scared. And why are they all speaking German? Did they not make enough money paying accordion on street corners or whatever to do American voice-overs...?
Also if that's not enough to make you avoid this movie, their's a bunch of scenes with a naked little boy. Lol, what a movie for pedos.
They should remake this movie with good special affects and if they spoke English. Until then it feels like a pretty bad ripoff of Avatar.
Note: The Seventh Seal is in Swedish not German. A rip-off of Avatar, a film made fifty years later?
The Godfather
Profanity, foul language, ethnic slurs, sex, nudity, violence. This is what people watch for entertainment?
Schindler’s List
Just saw this for the first time, it’s a decent period melodrama, but in all honesty I was expecting a lot more. I’d give it a B as a film. Ben Kingsley was very good as always.
Note: "Melodrama?"
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Parasite |
This is worthless, culturally unappealing, Left wing subversion efforts. Don't watch it.
Whatever they do in Korea, this is not what an average American will enjoy. The only reason it got Oscars is it is in tune with the Hollywood Progressive or Left Activists, or whatever they call themselves, agenda of pitting the Haves and Have-Nots, social unrest and mass deception and violence. They don't seem to know they will be the targets if there is a mass uprising of underclass and actual subversion.
You will not enjoy it. No redeeming value of any kind. It is not a dark comedy as some say; Just plain garbage.
Note: "Left activists"? is that a thing?
On The Waterfront
Only watched it because I had to for my Cinema Appreciation course. Thought the acting was horrible. At least many of the stars got better at acting when they got older.
Note: Marlon Brando and Eva Marie Saint won Oscars for Best Actor and Best Actress, respectively, for the film.
Bonnie and Clyde
This had to be one of the worse movies I have ever seen. Bonnie and Clyde were two cold blooded killers who got what they deserved and I do believe this movie shows how liberal Hollywood was becoming during this time period. Frank Hammer's character and story was completely incorrect. The historians who were hired for this movie failed. But, then again I wouldn't be surprised if they only hired socialists to push a narrative against law enforcement.
La Dolce Vita
many fine points and messages. a bit boring . smoke, smoke, smoke!
Do the Right Thing
To racists
Note: Well at least the reviewer was succinct -- in whatever they were saying.
12 Years a Slave
Good movie if they would leave out the BLASPHEMING!
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Band of Outsiders |
Bicycle Thieves
This movie is overrated by a mile, like several classics. I just didn't care that much about the guy getting his bike back, and it was also socialist propaganda. It focused too much on one specific plot line. It had too much of a foreign feel to it, and really felt like it was from a different time and place-I didn't relate to it.
Note: Socialist propoganda?
Battleship Potemkin
Extremely disappointed, lots of wasted film showing nothing-boring. Clips of the movie were far more exciting then watching the whole movie.
This film was totally uninspiring as far as turning anybody to communism. Had it’s good parts but as a whole......well I was so bored I didn’t get thru the entire movie. The battle on the steps was really over rated-any remake would be far more superior than this.
Someone raved about this so I gave it a try. Older movies can be slow and strangely paced and this movie is a very fine example of that. The premise is as bizarre as the behavior of many of the characters in this movie. And not in a compelling way, mostly just kind of dumb. I didn't finish the movie, only got about half way through, because I realized I had better things to do with my time.
All the President’s Men
This 1976 historical film depicting the events leading to the fall of a President is far from exciting or thrilling and merely borders on interesting. Actors Dustin Hoffman who plays Berstein, and Robert Redford who plays his fellow journalist, gave only decent performances as the diligent reporters who cracked the Watergate scandal.
The story portrayed in the film is one that leaves room for thrilling encounters, and exciting and mysterious scenes. Unfortunately, it is soarly lacking in all of the above. The plot moved in a slow, layed back pace. A lack of backround music to mysterious scenes, such as those with Deep Throat, only helped to enhance the boring factor.
The acting too was far from spectacular. Both main actors gave only mediocre performances, lacking in spice and borderline lacking in good talent. Thanks to Robert Redford's refreshingly youthful and attractive appearance, the film is bareable to watch. However, if You are looking for a good sleeper, I highly recomend this unusually boring film, All the president's Men!
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It's A Wonderful Life |
Actually I'm amazed that I seem to be the only person who sees the elephant in the room: George Bailey is a snowflake who decides to commit suicide over a relatively trivial financial problem. This story takes place during the Great Depression, and unlike millions of Americans George's entire family is doing quite well. George has a nice house in a great neighborhood, a beautiful, loving wife and adorable kids. But the moment George encounters the first real problem in his life - his uncle misplaces some money that was supposed to be deposited in the bank - he thinks that suicide is a solution and it takes a guardian angel - an angel sent by God, no less - to talk him out of it. George is the ultimate snowflake.
Even worse is the way that the guardian angel persuades George not to kill himself. The angel shows George how horrible everything would be if George wasn't born. Without George, the town of Bedford Falls becomes a dystopian nightmare. It isn't sufficient to remind George how lucky and blessed his life has been, nor is it sufficient to encourage him to work through the problem. George must be shown that he is the most special and important person in the entire town. In other words, this movie is a narcissistic fantasy.
I fail to see how this is an inspiring, feel-good Christmas story. Snowflakes who have it as good as George aren't the ones who need guardian angels. For that matter, I'm not sure why the guardian angel earned his wings with this easy case. All he had to do was show George that the town would be a terrible place without him.
A better title for this movie is "It's a Terrible Life Without George." :-)
Note: "A relatively trivial financial problem"? it would have meant prison and scandal!
It was decently funny but to much political rhetoric especially towards the end. Get enough politics every day without something that's suppose to be entertaining shoving more politics down my throat.
Grapes of Wrath
Liberal "progressive" brainwashing. I should have known it would be promoting socialism and "the greater good collective at the expense of the individual and individual freedom and responsibility. It shows Hollywood's Communist bent has been around for a long time. I loved Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball in Yours Mine and Ours and thought I would love this but hated this and threw it away.
Note: A very realistic portrayal of those who migrated west during the Dust Bowl is "promoting socialism"? Buddy, wait'll you read a history book. It'll seem like Das Kapital to you.
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