22 March 2018

My Alien Encounter and its Strange and Terrible Aftermath

I had an alien encounter -- of the third kind. I’ve been reluctant to share this story because people tend not only not to believe you but to assume that you're  quite mad. As a matter of fact I am — and this is no secret — mentally unstable, but that does not alter the fact that I was taken aboard an alien spaceship.

It happened on a cool Spring evening, right around this time of year, six years ago. I was walking home from a movie and had taken a detour through a park which was, during the day, generally frequented by mothers with babies or toddlers. I was thinking about the forthcoming baseball season and wondering about the chances that my favorite local nine had of returning to the World Series when the earth started to shake. My initial assumption was that we were having an earthquake but the shaking seemed to be localized within a ten foot radius right around me. I was at once curious and scared. Within seconds, a bright beam of light from above enveloped me and the area that was shaking. Is this the outset of some sort of horrific panic attack, I thought. Something compelled me to look up at the source of the light and I saw the bottom of what was obviously a ship from outer space.

With the realization that visitors from another planet, indeed likely another galaxy, were in my midst I grew oddly calm. Then the shaking stopped and the beam of light took on a power and strength that was like a physical force surrounding me. Seconds passed with me feeling almost mystifyingly calm. Then then the surrounding light elevated me in the direction of the spaceship. By rights I should have been terrified but I felt serenity within the beam of light and was secure in the knowledge that somehow I would not fall. As I neared the spacecraft I looked up to see what awaited me. It was no surprise that the bottom of the ship opened up. Soon I was inside the ship, the beam of light was gone and I was standing in the dark awaiting my fate.

There I stood for half a minute, getting a little nervous but still not scared, when finally the lights came on. It seemed that I was in a cargo bay surrounded by metallic boxes that I assumed were luggage or some sort of storage units. Then a door opened and a beam of light emanated from it that seemed a signal that I should enter the next room. This I did.

The door closed softly behind me. I was in a small room that resembled a doctor’s waiting room, awaiting me were three aliens. One indicated I should sit down, which I promptly did.

The aliens were all around 5 feet tall, slender and human like aside from very large eyes, only three fingers and no hair on their heads. They wore one piece suits and shoes of silver. Rather drab, I thought. In perfect English the one in the middle said my name, birthdate and social security number and asked if he had them correctly. I told him that yes he did then I asked what they wanted of me.

“Just a few questions, if we may,” said the one on the left. The aliens’ English was impeccable and completely without accent. I was so impressed by this that I told them so.

“Why thank you,” the one on the right said. “We are quite adept at learning new languages and the proper pronunciation.”

“Can I ask where you are from?” I asked.

“You may,” the one in the middle replied. “But I’m afraid our home is so far away it wouldn’t mean much to you. We’ve come along way.”

“And what is the purpose of your visit?”

“We’d like to get to know your planet better,” replied the one on the left.

“And how are you going about that?”

The one in the middle stepped forward and said, “we’re conducting interviews with several of you of different species from different parts of the planet. Plus we’re watching you go about your days, taking samples, scanning your internet and television.”

“What did you mean about interviewing other species? Did you mean different races or nationalities of humans?”

The middle alien seemed to have taken over the interview. “No we refer to different type of animals. Dogs, lions, snakes, turtles, pretty much every variety.”

“You can do that?”

“Indeed we can,” said the alien on the left, a bit smugly I thought. It seemed they were quite proud of the fact that unlike us, they could have sophisticated communications with animals.

“Anyway,” said the one in the middle, “we don’t want to take up too much of your time so would like to start the questioning.

“Sure. Say, you’re not going to probe me, are you?”

The one on the left made a sound that resembled a snicker while the one in the middle answered, “no need for anything like that. Now then we’re going to need complete honesty from you and we know you humans have a propensity to lie and stretch the truth and so forth so to avoid that we’re going to spray you with a gas that will ensure that all your answers are completely truthful.”

“If that’s absolutely necessary. Are there any side effects?”

“Only that it will make you unconscious for the interview, so you wont remember a word of it.”

Damn, I thought, here I was having this incredible experience and part of it would be lost to me forever.

The next thing I knew a light pink powder was sprayed in my direction. They later told me that the questioning lasted 30 minutes though no earth time would pass during the interview, nor for that matter, for the duration of my time on their ship.

“You should be back with us now,” one of my hosts said. I felt as though I was awakening from a deep sleep. I had a twinge of a headache but it lasted but a few seconds.

“The interview is over?”

“Yes, and it was quite revealing. You’ve led a most interesting life and have some well-formed, and I must say, strongly held opinions.” It was the middle alien speaking.

“Why, what did I say? What did you ask?”

“I’m afraid there’s no time for that. We should return you to the park so you can be on your way home.”

“But I have so many questions.”

“We understand and we're sorry there's no time."

“But you got something out of me and I’ve learned very little from you.”

The middle alien responded, “so it is. Nothing to be done about that, we’ve simply no time for your queries, we wish we could help you, honestly. Perhaps another time.”

I was disappointed, there were so many questions. “Okay, okay, I can't hide my frustration, but you're clearly in charge.”

“Quite so,” spoke up the alien on the left. “Perhaps you’ll excuse us but much of what we would tell you you'd not understand.”

“Maybe you should just let me go,” I said firmly. All three thanked me, then I was directed back toward the door, I’d come in through, I walked back among the boxes and soon the light shone above me and the floor beneath me opened and I was lowered back to terra firma. As soon as my feet touched the ground the beam of light vanished. I immediately looked up and caught a glimpse of the spacecraft before it sped upwards and was out of sight within seconds. It was over.

I’ve never told anyone about my alien encounter. I’m known as a kidder so right off people would think it an elaborate joke or worse think I was serious and had gone completely nuts. I thought about telling my doctor or psychiatrist but ultimately decided there was no point. Of course by putting the story out there now maybe other people who have had the same experience will see it and we can share notes. Who knows, if there are enough of us with the same experience who are deemed sane perhaps we can meet with government investigators. A lot of people with the same story would be taken seriously.

It’s been six years and who knows if the aliens are still around or if there coming back. It’s all still such a mystery. One of the problems I’ve had with the whole incident is how little I really know about what happened and what it was all about. Oh I remember what happened to me quite clearly but there are myriad questions surrounding what happened that remain unanswered, in large part because of the recalcitrance of the aliens. So I’ve decided to write this in hopes that others will reach out and we can share our experiences and perhaps involve some authorities and experts on UFOs and the study of alien life.
It’s been three months since I published the above. The responses were immediate and came from all over. First I heard from Lon Costigan of Dayton, Ohio who was abducted just a few days before me. Mr. Costigan’s experience was identical to mine but he also told of having spoken with another abductee, a farmer named Karl Lundegaard from upstate New York. Mr. Lundegaard’s encounter preceded ours by a year. Sadly the farmer was currently suffering from a strange illness. What started as a tingling sensation in his feet and hands had become paralysis and the paralysis was spreading up his arms and legs. Doctors were baffled.

Next I heard from a woman in the Netherlands whose husband had had an encounter about 18 months before my own. She said her husband was unable to write because his arms and legs were paralyzed for reasons unfathomable to physicians. This caused me no small amount of concern.

After hearing from a few others who’d been abducted and interviewed around the time or shortly after me, I was contacted by a Canadian named Guy Vadnais whose father had been abducted two years prior to my experience. Mr. Vadnais said that his father was completely paralyzed and that it had all started with his hands and legs and that no, doctors could not find the cause. Alarm bells went off for me.

Two nights ago I started feeling a tingling sensation in my toes and fingers and later this afternoon I have a doctor’s appointment. I am not optimistic. A few of us have contacted NASA and UFO researchers and we are all scheduled for interviews. Mine is next week with a Dr. Menninger from NASA and an as yet unidentified gentleman from the CIA.

I’m glad our stories may soon be getting out and that we may learn something but I am also terrified at the prospect of paralysis. I’m pessimistic that our meetings with experts and authorities will help ward off or cure the paralysis. I am making arrangement for my care in a few months time which will include the administration of drugs to facilitate assisted suicide. Such is my fate.

I wonder if it was the pink gas the aliens used that led to this sad fate. Perhaps it is a delayed reaction to the beam of light. For all I know the aliens did it on purpose. Whatever the case, I curse the day that I encountered the aliens.

One final note: As I was writing this I received an email from the husband of a woman named Clara whose abduction in Scotland was over two years prior to mine, the earliest I know of. Like others he said that his wife had suffered paralysis. She had just died a week ago. In the minutes before her passing, Clara had been taking quite lucidly of seeing her alien abductors hovering above her. She said that they were preparing her for a new and better life with them. The husband reported that his wife went from serene to quite giddy in her last minutes and that when Clara closed her eyes for the last time and breathed her final breath a beam of light enveloped her. His wife’s body remained where it was when the light receded but it seemed somehow very much lighter. The man was convinced that Clara, while dead on Earth, had joined the aliens and was in a state of bliss.

I may rethink the suicide.

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