27 May 2013

European Vacation Twelve - Brief Post From Bologna

Arrived yesterday in Bologna a lovely city full of young people and fun. It features my oldest niece and her two children -- a three year girl and a month and half old boy. As it says on the header of this blog Io Sono Grande Zio (I am a great Uncle). Niece's -- let's just say husband --  is a filmmaker whose latest documentary has just debuted all across Italy and has sold out two nights in a row in Rome. More on him later.

Updating the blog is difficult again as our apartment here has no wifi. Boooooo!!! I'm squeezing this in during a visit to niece's flat.

Still filling up on good food, tonight's was homemade. Also this was a two gelato day which makes it a great day. Also another *yawn* church with amazing artifacts. Tomorrow a day trip to Venice. So to my legion of readers (both of us) there's plenty more to come when I have combination of time and wifi.

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