08 September 2024

I Re-Try Posting These Questions After a Previous Attempt was Mysteriously Banned

As I noted in my previous post The Blogger Team somehow deemed my post of last week unsuitable for innocent eyes. One had to agree to view sensitive material by clicking a link in order to see the post. The link did not work so in effect the post was verboten. I am reposting it here minus one question that I imagine was the reason for the controversy. It contained the word -- not a dirty one at all -- for the performance of oral sex on a woman. This work begins with a cu and ends with a us. Let's see if this version of the post avoids censorship.

Why do math teachers make kids solve problems? Isn’t it tough enough being in school without having to solve an adult’s problems?

Why is it whenever I go to Trader Joe’s they won’t accept anything in trade and insist on cash?

Did anyone else think that a cocktail was a specific kind of drink when they were a kid?

Do people who work tirelessly really never get tired?

If an email reminder doesn’t specify that it is a “friendly reminder” are we to assume it’s a hostile reminder?

Do you think fish ever feel like toweling off?

You hear about old coots, old codgers and old geezers but never about young ones. Why is that?

You always hear people say they hate goodbyes (especially long ones). Isn’t there anyone who enjoys goodbyes?

You hear about people barking up the wrong tree but never hear that someone was barking up the correct tree. Why is that?

Does the Game Show Network ever show episodes of The Blame Game? Is there a home version of the Blame Game?

Have two people named Andy ever hiked together in the Andes?

Why is that — checks notes —people are always checking their notes these days? Doesn’t anyone remember anything anymore?

If something can be far-fetched why can’t something else be near-fetched or just fetched? (And no, I’m not trying to make fetch happen).

I often hear of people making bucket lists. I’m surprised so many people own enough buckets to make a list of them. Why do people have so many buckets?

I’ve never seen a yard for sale at a yard sale nor a garage for sale at a garage sale. Can we talk about this?

Don’t you think sloths need a re-brand? Mustn't it suck to be named after one of the seven deadly sins?

Where's this box that people are supposed to think outside of?

Kids playing baseball are always saying they want a pitcher and not a belly itcher. What wrong with a belly itcher? Why doesn’t anyone want one?

Bathroom tissue and toilet paper are identical. What’s the deal here?

I often hear of something being a blessing in disguise. The obvious question here is: why would anyone disguise a blessing?

I sometimes hear people say that ‘someone has too much time on his hands.’ What is the proper amount of time for a person to have on their hands and who determines this?

You call the room you sleep in the bedroom because there’s a bed in it so why not call the kitchen the refrigerator room or oven room? Why not call the call the dinning room the dining table room? And how about referring to the living room as the sofa room?

Has someone ever said to you: “don’t get me wrong” but you went ahead and got them wrong anyway?

Why do they only give posthumous awards to the deceased? Seems unfair.

Many characters in films, TV and books have said the following: “I’m afraid I’ll have to insist.” But have you ever heard someone say it in ‘real life’?

I worked at a school where they changed the title of the receptionist to reception coordinator and another school where the janitors were renamed custodial services. Who do you suppose they were trying to kid?

Why NOT re-invent the wheel?

Why are they called cross country runners? I never hear of them running from coast to coast.

Why don’t Brits say “by jove” anymore?

If money can’t be happiness, can you trade for it?

Can a rolling stone gather moss if it wants to?

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